We have a winner! And facts about high-speed novel writing are reaffirmed

We have a winner of the “No Plot? No Problem!” novel-writing kit: Scott Cowley Scott says he is working on his first NaNoWriMo novel, and we can hope this kit will help him in his high-speed creation of novelistic wonder. How is my own NaNo novel coming? Here’s what I’ve learned in the past week: …

Beyond “Here we go, Steelers”

VisitPittsburgh and the Pittsburgh Steelers are sponsoring a video contest: Create the best Steelers cheer, to cheer the team during the playoff! Details from VisitPittsburgh: It’s time to rally around our Pittsburgh Steelers as they head to the playoffs in January 2009 and VisitPittsburgh wants to see and hear your best Steelers cheer! We want …