Lucky pants / unlucky pants

How many pairs of lucky pants does Kessler own? None. How many pairs of unlucky pants does Kessler own? Nine. Is this bad? Most definitely. There are days when a certain something extra is required of us and on those certain something extra days we are accustomed to reaching into the closet and finding (on …

To see and see again: Lillian Hellman and “The Little Foxes”

Pictured standing (left to right) John Shepard, Chris Landis, and Ross Bickell. Seated is Helena Ruoti. Photo credit: Pittsburgh Public Theater. In 1982 I was Lillian Hellman for fifteen minutes. For 10th grade English class, we were each asked to choose an author and to research and report on that author. We were encouraged to …

Looking ahead

I often start resolutions at off times. In the middle of December I started to focus on exercising regularly, eating a healthier diet, and waking up earlier in the mornings. December is a challenging time to start such a program, what with the fancy foods and strange holiday schedules, and not surprisingly I failed to …

Neighborhood Walk: Butler’s Institute Hill and Main Street

For background on the Neighborhood Walk, check out the Rust Belt Bloggers site. Find a list of others’ walks there too. I took a walk through my neighborhood today. I timed it to coincide with the Veteran’s Day parade on Main Street, but I ended up taking photos of buildings and bridges instead of the …

Mixology Monday: Local Flavor

The theme for this month’s Mixology Monday is Local Flavor. Our host is Kevin of Save the Drinkers, and while I don’t despise globalization as he does, I echo his affection for local flavors and specialties. Living here in western Pennsylvania, particularly in summertime, I’m lucky to have delightful, fresh ingredients right at hand. Corn …