DevHouse Pittsburgh is an event patterned on SuperHappyDevHouse. We aim to become the premier Pittsburgh-area hackathon event that combines serious and not-so-serious productivity with a fun and exciting party atmosphere. Come to the DevHouse to have fun and get things done!
When: Saturday, June 14, 2008, 2pm – 8pm
Where: 4685 Middle Road, Allison Park, PA 15101 (Park across the street in the McAllister Farms development.)
Hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, and soda will be provided. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share, if you’re able. Also, bring a lawn chair if you’d like to sit outside.
See full details, and RSVP, at the DevHouse Pittsburgh website.
I would like to attend if I don’t have a wedding to attend in Grand Rapids, MI. If I can get out of it, I will surely attend hat in hand, and probably with my world reknowned crab dip in the other. That’s actually on a serving dish, not my actual hand.
Hope to be there…thanks for invite!