It’s December at last, so we can recommence listening to Christmas music without (as much) fear of backlash from passersby.
Last December I counted down my favorite holiday tunes. This year I’ll tackle a more esoteric category: the weirdest Christmas music in my holiday catalog.
There were a few kooky numbers in last year’s countdown, notably Henry Rollins’s “Twas the Night Before Christmas” and Big John Greer singing “We Wanna See Santa Do the Mambo.” But I have stranger songs to share with you.
Actually, that Henry Rollins tune is pretty strange. I will have to work hard to improve upon it.
So for tonight we’ll just think fondly back upon last year, and tomorrow I’ll provide a double-dose of mighty music for your listening pleasure.
(Photo credit: crazy christmas, originally uploaded by laurenatclemson.)
What about “Dominick the Italian Christmas Donkey”… I don’t think it gets any odder than that…
I was hoping you’d do this again…