A couple of weekend events for those in western PA:
The Butler Little Theatre opens its production of Proof, the Tony and Pulitzer Prize winning drama, tomorrow (March 19). The show will run through next Saturday (March 27), except Monday. It stars my sister Katy Wayne in the role of Catherine; she previously portrayed her in the Red Barn Theater’s production last summer. I’m looking forward to seeing how this production differs from the Red Barn’s. Details on show times, reservations, and directions, see the Butler Little Theatre’s website.
Also tomorrow, Vanilla Soul Revue plays at the Brick House. They’re all about “jazzy funk and soul,” and a good time is guaranteed for all. If you go, look for the most spastically dancing woman — that will be me. If you’re the type that calls out requests, send out a shout for “Summertime.”
On Saturday, the Butler County Symphony Orchestra will be presenting its “March Jubilee” at the Butler Intermediate High School at 8pm. From the Art Council website:
Popular photographer Charles Martin returns to present striking slides as the orchestra play Edelmann’s “Gettysburg.” The college age young artist competition winner will also appear. The orchestra is featured in Tchaikovsky’s “Symphony No. 2” (Little Russian). Reserved seat tickets are available at the Symphony office, 259 South Main Street, Butler. Presale adults $17, students $7. At the door, $17 and $8. For information, call 724-283-1402.
And for those inspired to exercise their creative sides, on Sunday and Monday the Butler Little Theatre will hold auditions for The Philadelphia Story, to be directed by Bob Meals. Relevant information on the BLT website.