Truth from Ira Glass — on storytelling, but also on every creative discipline, and maybe on life itself. I learn this again every day, on every skill or practice area that I embark to learn and practice. Please, join me in the awful feeling that we don’t meet up to own our aesthetic. Eventually, we …
Author Archives: Cynthia Closkey
You think we need one more? You think we need one more. OK, we’ll get one more.
The 2001 remake of Ocean’s Eleven is one of my guilty pleasure movies — pretty to look at, full of quotable lines, underpinned by a plot that, though full of holes, is witty and twisty. Plus the clothes! George Clooney’s suits, Brad Pitt’s pointed collars, Elliot Gould’s blinged out chains and florid, floral shirts…. Delightful. …
Continue reading “You think we need one more? You think we need one more. OK, we’ll get one more.”
Tucked away
By my bedroom door, there’s a big porcelain cat that my parents gave me years ago. I’ve blogged about it before. Next to it, there’s a stack of framed diplomas. They’re my diplomas. I’m quite proud of the degrees they represent. It was hard to get into MIT and into the graduate school program I attended, …
Michael Sheen on Speakeasy
I watch a select few series on YouTube: There’s a world of interesting stuff, but only so many hours in a lifetime, and one must choose carefully. One series that I adore and watch without fail as soon as each new episode is posted is Speakeasy with Paul F. Tompkins. These are interviews, over drinks, …
Writing (or Any Creative Activity) and the Fear of Being Less Than Amazing
If you’ve spent most of your life cruising ahead on natural ability, doing what came easily and quickly, every word you write becomes a test of just how much ability you have, every article a referendum on how good a writer you are. As long as you have not written that article, that speech, that …
Continue reading “Writing (or Any Creative Activity) and the Fear of Being Less Than Amazing”
The tufts of hair scattered about tell me that the cats’ spread out locations on the bed are the result of an uneasy truce.
Bad Dancer
This is so fun!
Networking in style
Lately it’s seemed that I’ve never had business cards on hand when I wanted to hand some out. This is largely because I’m between houses right now* and most of my worldly possessions are packed and piled up, and so a number of things that I would ordinarily be able to find I’m now …
Crazy cozy
Max is a cat of extremes. One minute he’s running around the room chasing a fly; the next he’s slinking under the bed, scared by the sight of someone outside the window. Some days he naps on the very top platform of the cat tree, but today he’s decided to curl up in a box …
Little tramp, big city
Last night I attended the Butler County Symphony Orchestra‘s November concert, in which they performed the film score to Charlie Chaplin’s City Lights as the movie played. The symphony sounded amazing, well-timed to the film and perfectly attuned to the emotional ups and downs of the film. The film itself was a surprise to me. …