John Cleese has updated the classic holiday poem: For a reading of the original text in an original manner, please also enjoy Henry Rollins’s interpretation of "The Night Before Christmas."
Tag Archives: The Interwideweb
Somebody’s day off
Separated at birth? Sergey Brin of Google (from the Android SDK promo video — which amusingly is on YouTube) …. … and Ferris Bueller. I think that means this guy must be Cameron: (Video spotted on Engadget)
My brother nearly died choking on his Earl Grey tea when he saw this video
To help promote the Bob Dylan biopic coming out, there’s a website gadget that lets you replace the written lyrics on the cue cards in the Pennebaker video for “Subterranean Homesick Blues” with words of your own choosing. At least one person used this to make a smart statement on commercialism in our society. Daniel …
Continue reading “My brother nearly died choking on his Earl Grey tea when he saw this video”
Use your words
Here’s a time waster that’s educational: How many of these 100 Words Every High School Graduate Should Know do you *not* know? I can give a pretty good definition for maybe a dozen of them, and could probably get within swinging distance of the rest. Except for these two: “gamete” and “moiety.” Of course, now …
You talkin’ to me?
Major media outlets like the New York Times haven’t been covering the story of blogger Kathy Sierra, the death threats she has (purportedly) received, the sympathetic blog shut downs, the resulting backlash, and so on. So it’s maybe not so surprising that advertisers also haven’t had a chance to adjust their ad campaigns. Or, maybe …
A picture every day
In lieu of creative content from me, please enjoy this burst of inspired video from someone else. (Link via Valleywag.)
Oh, such grace! Such beauty!
Sport imitates viral marketing: Olympic-caliber skaters adapt the OK Go “A Million Ways” video. My favorite bits: the male skater flapping his arms like a chicken while skating backwards and kicking, and the slo-mo karate chop. Also, the announcers seem unaware that the odder moves are copied from a music video. And they seem bewildered …
Here it goes again
I have raved in the past about OK Go, and I’ve linked to their videos and shown you photos of me being a blatant fangirl around them. I don’t see any reason for that to change now. Please enjoy their new video, which involves them and eight treadmills. If you liked it — and I …
Notes from the first Pittsburgh BlogIN. UPDATED with additional links to other sites and comments.
Space is the breath of art
I set up a profile on MySpace. I don’t plan to use it much: I already get email announcements from bands and musicians I like, and I’m not looking to meet anyone. But I find the online social networking phenomenon fascinating, and I might want to steal some of the better ideas for a project …