Exciting in a self-absorbed way: The Closkey.com site currently comes up first when one searches Google for “closkey.” Number 1 of about 6,940 results! (The fact that the domain name is the search word probably has a lot to do with it, but still.) It beats out all the McCloskey geneological sites, which is no small feat.
Among the other interesting search results:
A press release from 2002 announcing that “Sean Closkey, director of the St. Joseph’s Carpenter Society, one of Camden’s most successful non-profit housing developers, was officially named executive director of the New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency.” (Sean is my cousin.)
The score for a match between Glendermott and Ballyspallen, from the Glendermott Cricket Club site. (Glendermott won by 122 runs. I don’t know whether this makes it an exciting match or not.)