A quick note on the redesign of My Brilliant Mistakes: It’s not done.
A longer explanation of the above: I have been annoyed by the me-too design of MBM for some time. Given that I make my living designing distinctive web sites, my use of a largely pre-fab look and structure was an embarassment.
Plus, I’d set up the template when I was still very new to CSS, so the code was frankly crap. Looking at it was equivalent to raising the hood of an old car to find a rat-tangle of wires, corroded metal, and cracked rubber hose, plus what look to be a couple of mumified squirrel carcasses. In short, it wasn’t pretty.
And as long as the site’s dark underbelly was so nasty, I couldn’t get psyched to write new entries to the site. The situation reached a critical point.
So, I wanted to rearchitect the whole site to contain only good and useful things, to look smart and sassy, to allow me to add funky features, and generally to make me happy. It was the kind of big project that I could put off until … well, forever.
So for now we must settle for some cleaned up CSS, a slight but important rearrangement of items on the main page, and the addition of new pages to hold certain other items. Next up: comments! The kids these days are all into comments. And then perhaps some more visual interest instead of a stark white background. From there we’ll be able to go anywhere.
For now, enjoy the bright happy colors and bigger type. And as always, thanks for reading.
Am I the first to comment? No, I don’t think I am. Still, it’s an honor to be the second to comment on MBM — just not as much of an honor as it would’ve been to be the first.
You’re tops around here, Bob. There was a previous test comment from me. It’s gone now, having served its scientific purpose, and so you’re the official first comment. Hooray! Gold star for you on the day.
This is just the sort of smart, good-lookin’ CSS I was talking about! I like it! Kudos on the redesign and the comments.