Did you miss the Pittsburgh Irish and Classical Theatre’s production of Henry IV last fall? If so, you missed a damn fine version of a classic play. But you can get an infintesimal taste of the acting from it by watching the new TV series Ghost Whisperer, as it features native Pittsburgher David Conrad as the afore-mentioned ghost whisperer’s husband. Throughout the run of Henry IVConrad alternated the roles of Hotspur and Hal with Scott Ferrara — I saw him portray Hotspur, and he was excellent.
Plus, he is one very hot hottie, and he looks quite a bit better with the wavy hair he has for the TV show than he did with the odd cornrows he wore in Henry IV. (I mean, seriously. Cornrows? In a Shakespeare play? It was silly. Then again, his sleeveless shirt costumes were also silly but more … how shall I say … stirring, given the buffness of his physique and all the fancy swordplay. So I supported the wardrobe choices on the whole.)
Actually, I’m not totally advocating watching the show. Watching Jennifer Love Hewitt counsel dead people for an hour every week strikes me as a particularly painful way to spend a Friday night. But maybe if you turn the sound down you can just enjoy the visuals.
Cindy, I think watching an hour of Jennifer L-H do ANYTHING would be painful. BTW, I really enjoyed the critique weekend and learned so much from the experience. I suppose after attending I should be more supportive of Jennifer and her pursuit of the arts, but…
I don’t know, is “The Ghost Whisperer” art? Who am I to judge? Why, I’m me!
I’m so glad you enjoyed the critique weekend. I had a great time myself, and I think it was a complete success from what I saw of everyone’s work. I was completely wiped out afterwards though — I didn’t really get back to speed until Tuesday around noon. Monday was a very grumpy day.