I am now at 34,143 NaNoWriMo words. My narrator is evincing a sassier attitude now. And coincidentally, “Bitch” by the Rolling Stones has now been randomly chosen by the iPod. How perfect.
Also important today: I brought the chocolate gun into the plot. I am not sure how it will be used. I did realize that it would make a perfect fake suicide item. Also, the fact that hot hands melt chocolate occurs to me. So many possibilities.
Non-writing news: Today being the day after Thanksgiving, I also repeated two of my annual traditions: (1) avoiding all shopping locales and (2) putting holiday music into rotation. It wasn’t too hard to avoid the shopping, as I had lots of work to do and little money to spend. And it was a delight to dig out the holiday CDs and shift around iTunes playlists. How much cheerier everything feels when a “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” comes on the stereo!