For some time now, I’ve had the nagging feeling that I have made a mistake.
Of course I make lots of mistakes, with both good and bad results — hence the title of this blog — but this particular mistake is one I’ve made over and over, and it’s of the bad variety.
The mistake is that I have been mean to vermouth.
“Mean” isn’t quite the right word, but it’s close. I’ve ignored vermouth, made fun of it, argued with people who held that it has merit, and made faces when anyone put it in or even near my drink.
But lately, I’ve begun to pay more attention to those who would stand up for poor vermouth (such as here and here). After all, it’s been around for centuries. Surely all those bartenders and cocktail drinkers can’t be completely without taste.
And then I’d add a little vermouth to my Martinis, and I’d be disappointed again with the nasty, sticky flavor that got in the way of my gin.
I started to wonder if the problem was not vermouth as a whole, but the bottle of it that I was using. If cheap gin is nothing compared to pricier types, the same was likely to be true of vermouth. Unfortunately, the selection of vermouths available in my area is very limited. I searched around for Noilly Pratt, which seems to be the most generally favored, but the stores around here don’t carry it. Old standby Martini & Rossi turns out to be the top of the line in Pennsylvania liquor stores.
Still, maybe it wasn’t just the brand. So I bought a new bottle of Martini & Rossi, poured one glass of it and another from the year-old bottle sitting in my liquor cabinet, and had a look. Here’s the result: new bottle on the left, old on the right.
I could taste and smell a big difference as well: The old vermouth is sour and cloying, which the new stuff is light and sweet, clean on the tongue, kind of like a softer white wine.
I mixed up a Martini and found the fresh vermouth combined in a friendly way with my Plymouth gin, adding layers to the drink’s flavor. Then I made another with a dash of Pernod (Have you tried adding a little Pernod to your Martini? Oh my, it’s good.), and the whole thing was happy, smooth, and complex, as a good cocktail should be.
I’ve since found that a little glass of vermouth, chilled by an ice cube, is a fine thing to sip while I fix dinner — it raises the spirits and whets the appetite, and thanks to a lower alcohol content it puts me less at risk of cutting off a finger or setting the house afire.
So, apparently my trouble is not with vermouth, but with skunked vermouth. The real mistake I’ve made is not caring for my dry vermouth properly. I now store dry vermouth in the fridge and try to drink it within six months of opening.
Thanks to my new appreciation for it, especially as an aperitif, consuming a bottle in a few months is not a problem at all.
I want to comment about the coffee blog but this is the only place I found I can leave a commnet. Die hard coffee drinkers may find this sacrilegeous but here goes. I’ve found a great coffee substitute that is ground and is brewed in a coffee maker.
It’s Teeccino caffeine free herbal coffee. It can be purchase at I’ve been using it all summer in lew of iced coffee and enjoying if very much.
Jennifer: I was getting a lot of spam comments in the coffee posts, so I closed those posts. Sorry for the inconvenience.
But ooh! I don’t know about this teecino thing. In the past I’ve tried a coffee-like tea-based thing that was good, but it still had caffeine; if I lost both the coffee taste (which I love) and the caffeine, I don’t know if it would be worthwhile for me.
Agreed. For people looking for the caffeine boost, teeccino would not be for them. I do enjoy it, it’s “enough” like coffee for me. I need to find beverages without the caffeine. It’s just a thought!
and of course, there’s always alchohol–always caffeine free!
That Starbucks coffee liqueur has a pretty significant caffeine boost. I suspect Kahlua might have a little, but I’m not sure.
Oh my, I know realize I probably have many bottles of skunked alcohol, vermouth and otherwise. I had no idea it should be stored that way. Thanks!
Julie: I believe most alcohol is OK in an opened bottle for at least a couple of years. Anything that’s decades old is probably suspect, but two or three years would be fine.
Vermouth is wine that’s flavored and sweetened, but not distilled. Distillation is what extends the life of other alcohols. I’ll guess that the sweeteners in vermouth help extend its life, but they can only go so far.
Anyway, so there’s no need to go tossing your vodkas and whiskeys, just because the bottles are gathering dust. Just replace the red and white vermouth and all will be well.
I don’t know much about vermouth, but that photo was telling. Yowsa. Glad you could find some peace with this issue and I’m sure all is forgiven now!
Susan: Yes, vermouth and I are getting along swimmingly these days. At least I think so. There’s the chance that she is merely biding her time and will sneak up and wallop me one of these days for having been so thoughtless.
This is an excellent review.