Researchers have developed a way to vacuum-infuse a Martini into a cucumber. And they’ve captured this technique on video.
Even without having tried it, I’m pretty sure this is the ideal accompaniment to sushi and sashimi.
I don’t know about you, but I’m adding a food vacuum to my Christmas list.
Let us know when you get the food vacuum, and we’ll bring the gin!
(Mark wonders if you could use a hand pump…)
OK, let’s make it happen!
I think there are smaller food vacuums available, for storage and whatnot. Will investigate.
Does that mean you could do it with other things too?!
Like fruit?!
Rachel, I assume it would work with anything. Would be excellent with fruit.
OOh! I’ll take two!
wow. and I mean WOW.
Does this go under the heading, “How TO Get Kids To Eat Their Vegetable?” Okay, change the gin to Kool Aid
But waid! Cucumbers aren’t in season right now. Therefore according to food gurus, you can’t eat them right now. With or without the gin.
Jennifer: I don’t know many kids who like Martinis, but this would be a fine way to get *me* to eat my vegetables.
As for the out of season problem, maybe this is more of a spring and summer delicacy for those who eat only local produce. For those of us who give in and buy the imported stuff, we’ll at least be able to drown our shame.
That’s awesome. I bet it’d be great with Granny Smith apples and appletini mix.