Groundhog up a Tree 2, originally uploaded by vickispix.
The groundhogs can’t agree this year.
According to Punxatawney Phil, winter will continue for another six weeks. But there are quite a few other groundhog prognosticators, and most of them say we’ll have an early Spring.
I’d love to have an early Spring. Bring on the sunshine and warmth! Then again, I am loyal to the local guy, and I’d hate for Pennsylvania’s famous groundhog to be shown up by these other, lesser groundhogs. If P. Phil needs six more weeks of winter to show he’s a better predictor than the others, I can live with that.
Only Phil is the seer of seers, the prognosticator of prognosticators. Give no notice to false prophets.
I had no idea there were other weather-predicting woodland creatures. I thought Phil was alone in this. Very interesting.