Pinkalicious and Purplicious in good company at Target, originally uploaded by cynthiacloskey.
On a recent Saturday I stopped at the local Target to find a birthday gift for my niece. Look what I spied in the children’s book section.
My friend (and client) Elizabeth Kann and her sister Valerie wrote and illustrated, respectively, two fine children’s picture books: Pinkalicious and Purplicious. And there they sit, surrounded by Seussian icons, Curious George, Shel Silverstein, and other classics.
I can take no credit in the creation of these great books, nor their promotion (other than working on the websites). But I’m thoroughly proud of Elizabeth and Valerie. Check out these books next time you’re looking for a great gift for a smart little lady or man.
The Wife and I are a couple of things to our niece, nephews and young cousins. We’re the fun ones, as we’re still willing to sit on the floor and play for as long as our rickety knees and hips will allow. We’re also the ones who always give books as gifts. I’ll take a look to be sure, but I’d bet those two books would be perfect for a little girl in Florida whose third birthday is coming in a few weeks.
I’ll have to look for these when we’re out. My daughter is a book fiend and I think she’ll love them!
Cupcakes are featured in the first book, Pinkalicious, so Elizabeth has started a Flickr group, Cupcakes for All. It’s small so far, but it will grow. Good place for inspiration for cupcake and cake decorations, plus party ideas.
I can vouch for both of these books (and for my writing pal Elizabeth, co-author). My kids (a girl and a boy) really enjoyed them. I even read Pinkalicious to my daughter’s class when she was in first grade — the kids loved it. Check it out!
I can honestly say that my niece and nephew love those books to death!!!! Right up there with The Hiccupopotamus.
Indulge me, won’t you? Pretty please?
Here are the rules (from Amy, person who tagged me):
1) Write your own six word story.
2) Post it on your blog [and include a visual illustration if you’d like].
3) Link to the person that tagged you in your post [me!], and to the original post if possible [so we can track it as it travels].
4) Tag at least five others with links.
5) Don’t forget to leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play.
6) Have fun!