Instructions and software for making a SixthSense device are available for free. The one element that throws me is having to use a Windows mobile device. There is an Android port in the works, but it doesn’t sound like there’s been much progress. There’s also a Java port underway, but again it seems to be …
Category Archives: General
Stink bug vigil
Holiday spirit
I do not have a large collection of holiday and seasonal decorations. I have some decorations for Christmas, a few for Halloween, and that’s it. What few I have, I like a lot. I believe part of continuing to like them is that they’re part of the decor only a short time each year, so …
30 days, 30 posts
Today is the last day of November, and it is also the day I’m posting my 30th post in as many days. So, happy NaBloPoMo to me — and to you, gentle Reader.
Why should you not buy a Powerball ticket? Because of math.
Here’s the thing: your odds of guessing my home address, armed with only the knowledge that I live in Wisconsin, are still MUCH better than your odds of winning the Powerball lottery. If you have ever thought of buying a Powerball ticket, or other similar lottery ticket, please read this blog post that explains why …
Continue reading “Why should you not buy a Powerball ticket? Because of math.”
The hero within
Not long ago, I went to a party at a friend’s house in Pittsburgh. I was running late (as is my unfortunate habit). I have been to this friend’s house many times and know the way well, as long as I’m coming from my house in Butler. On this particular evening, I was coming from …
Reason #2978 why health insurance in the US is so expensive
From an opinion piece in the New York Times on the issue of society ignoring evidence that mammograms only increase medical procedures, they don’t save lives: For years now, doctors like myself have known that screening mammography doesn’t save lives, or else saves so few that the harms far outweigh the benefits. Neither I nor …
Continue reading “Reason #2978 why health insurance in the US is so expensive”
Being for the benefit of Mr. Kite
The 19th-century circus poster that inspired John Lennon to write “Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite.”
Max the mighty indoor hunter
Cats sleep all day and then have lots of energy to hunt at night. If you don’t give them some way to burn off that energy, and to obey their instinct to hunt, they take it out on you while you’re trying to sleep. So every evening, I spend some time playing with my cats.
Lee Martin’s creative cultural critique writing exercise
Try this writing exercise by Lee Martin, in which you write to think more deeply about a group or culture that you’re part of or interested in.