It’s Mixology Monday, hosted by the intriguingly introverted Gabriel of Cocktail Nerd. The theme is Fizz, so I thought this would be a good time to try out a Sloe Gin Fizz. Or maybe a Tom Collins, a classic drink I was surprised to realize I’d never had. So last week I started sampling my …
Tag Archives: Lush life
Are you drinking the correct cocktail for your element?
The things one can learn on the Internet are amazing. For example, the delightful and charming Gwen of Intoxicated Zodiac provides a helpful list of cocktails matched to feng shui elements. Choose drinks suited to your element, and they will support you. This is fabulous. My element turns out to be Earth, so my correct …
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Mixology Monday: Orange
Recently I clued in to the fact that I’m not the only person on the web who writes about cocktails. There are many, many others with tons more experience, more recipes in their libraries and in their heads, and many more bottles in their cabinets with which to mix. For a few moments I was …
The ‘V’ word
For some time now, I’ve had the nagging feeling that I have made a mistake. Of course I make lots of mistakes, with both good and bad results — hence the title of this blog — but this particular mistake is one I’ve made over and over, and it’s of the bad variety. The mistake …
Spirited Cuisine: Creme de menthe
Minty Fresh Originally uploaded by beatnikside This is the eighth installment in the Spirited Cuisine series from Sri Bala (Shaman) and me. Each round, I select a liquor or spirit, and Sri creates a dessert recipe incorporating it. Find Sri’s posts at his blog and mine here within the Lush Life category. Imagine a sweltering …
Beer me … just not so much
Pennsylvania inches its way out of the dark ages. Starting this fall, maybe, we might be allowed to buy fewer than 24 beers at a time at beer distributors: The state Senate’s Law and Justice Committee approved a bill that would allow beer distributors to sell less than a full case of beer. If it …
Cheers to Mom
Seeds of Love Originally uploaded by m-p-g. In addition to being Mother’s Day, Sunday is also World Cocktail Day. My mom has a passion for raspberries, so I’m planning to mix up a Chambord-based cocktail for her. A little Chambord with prosecco and a ripe raspberry (as in this lovely photo) would be fabulous. Or …
Spirited Cuisine: Rum
This is the seventh installment in the Spirited Cuisine series from Sri Bala (Shaman) and me. Each round, I select a liquor or spirit, and Sri creates a dessert recipe incorporating it. Find Sri’s posts at his blog and mine here within the Lush Life category. Why don’t people drink rum straight? Dry Martinis made …
Off to the races
The Kentucky Derby is tomorrow, which means it’s time to have a mint julep. I am shocked to discover I haven’t posted a julep recipe before. I suppose I’m intimidated: It’s a Southern drink and I’ve never had one made in the South. I’ve barely spent time in the South. So I’ll just point you …
Spirited Cuisine: Scotch whisky
This is the sixth installment in the Spirited Cuisine series from Sri Bala (Shaman) and me. Each round, I select a liquor or spirit, and Sri creates a dessert recipe incorporating it. Find Sri’s posts at his blog and mine here within the Lush Life category. Here’s a great cocktail made with Scotch….. Are you …