This Will Be Our Year (Zombies cover) – Twelve Days of OK Go
Tag Archives: OK Go
Please use your power for good
1LNbzqoOPu4 An excellent friend of mine has been fielding job offers from several fantastic companies. While her work ethic, team expertise, and mad computing skills no doubt have much to do with her employability, she attributes her plethora of choices to having a strong Job Interview Theme Song. Her theme song is Cake’s "Short Skirt/Long …
Month Impossible: Day Twenty-seven, Murderers, animated treadmills, and yet more writing
I’ve mentioned before that "Murderers," currently playing at City Theatre on Pittsburgh’s South Side, is a terrific play and well worth your time and money, yes? The play is three monologues, each by a different actor, each beginning with the sentence, "I am a murderer." The play is by Jeffrey Hatcher, a playwright with a …
Gonna make you sweat
You wouldn’t guess it to look at me, but I enjoy exercising. No, honest, it’s true. Especially weight training or heading out for a little jog at the end of the day. I can still get bored though, so I keep an eye out for new twists: a funky pair of socks, new equipment, and …