I’ll echo the stellar reviews for Endgame now playing at the Pittsburgh Irish and Classical Theatre.
PICT is, I think, the best theater company in Pittsburgh, and they’ve thoroughly proved my love by producing not just one Samuel Beckett play this year, but all of them. Endgame marks the start of BeckettFest, with all nineteen of his stage works showing between now and September 10. What deliciously absurd, apocolyptic, tragicomically ironic bliss!
Find out more about BeckettFest at the PICT website.
ALSO: Simon Bradbury, I love you. You’re so terribly fun to watch, and that Mancunian accent melts me. Please never leave Pittsburgh. I know you’re slated to take your play Charlie Chaplin Goes to War on tour next year, and it’s a really great play so you should do that. But when that’s done please come back and be Actor-in-Residence at PICT for all eternity. Thanks.