Today, Elizabeth Perry is throwing a virtual drawing party to celebrate 1000 consecutive days of her drawing something every day. You should participate:
I am inviting you to a distributed drawing party: sometime during the day Monday, please find a comfortable place, get a piece of paper and a pen and make a small drawing of something you see. Nobody needs to see it – the important thing is to have fun! O.k.? Maybe you can think of it as a party game, and then leave a comment on my 1000th drawing post to let me know you did that.
There’s a small chance you’ll win a lovely drawing, but more importantly there’s a large chance you’ll experience the special thrill of making something. Even if you believe in your heart that you can’t draw, the truth is you can. Have at it.
And if this party whets your appetite for creating art, please join us at the 24 Hour Creative Marathon in Bellevue, starting at 8pm this Friday:
The 24 Hour Creative Marathon is a two-part event, beginning with a 24-hour artistic marathon and culminating in a gallery show and sale the following day.
Beginning Friday, September 28th, at 8pm, artists will gather at the Creative Treehouse to create a piece of work in 24 hours that pertains to the theme “Lost and Found”. Artists of all media and levels — from professional to amateur to the curious and motivated — are invited. Size restraints are 18×18 inches, and canvas or masonite will be provided to those that do not have their own.
Registration is FREE for marathon participation. Although registrations will be accepted at the door, there is a 150 participant maximum, so pre-registration is recommended.
At 8pm the next evening, September 29th, the Creative Treehouse will feature these newly created works of art in a gallery show. Food will be provided and beverages are BYOB; music will include Paul Luc, Jim Dandies, Buddy Nutt, and Some Other Band. The gallery show costs only $2 at the door. Artwork will be available for purchase, with a portion of the proceeds going to support the Creative Treehouse. Both events are open to the public.
Sponsors: Affogato Coffee, Aldo Coffee, Big Big Design, Burn Energy Drink, Mr. Baconpants, Pittsburgh Technical Institute, Unicorn Mountain.
If you don’t want to make any art, come and see people creating great and small things. Or come to the gallery show on Saturday and buy something fine, support the Creative Treehouse, and have fun.
Dear Cindy:
Creative Marathon sounds like an exciting get together of creative minds. Good luck with creating an original artwork, a worthy exhibition and finally, a wonderful culminating party.
W’ll be in Cairo. We’re starting our ten-days cruise from Lower towards Upper Delta on September 28 and will be back in Pittsburgh on October 7.
Aw jeez, I miss everything. First I missed your post Monday and so didn’t get to participate in the distributed drawing party. Next, I’ll miss the 24-hour creative marathon — I’m out of town, AGAIN.
Thank you for the plug. We have twice the RSVP’s from our first marathon which is very exciting. It is shaping up to be an amazing event.
Thanks again for the support!