medieval fool, originally uploaded by hans s.
Please know: There will be no gags, jokes, tricks, fake news, parody posts, or other April tomfoolery on My Brilliant Mistakes today.
Actually, because today is a ridiculously hectic one for me, there will be very little new content at all. Sorry for the quiet.
If you need some light-hearted good fun, please visit YouTube and click any link on the home page. Rick Astley is never gonna give you up.
I can’t believe you just rickrolled your own loyal readers.
For their sake, I hope at least the Muppet rickroll is on there.
Bob, can you call it a rickroll when I told you that they were linked to Astley’s video? Maybe subconsciously I’m trickier than I know.
You didn’t quite come out and say it was a rickroll. Anyone who knew the existence of such a thing would’ve picked up on it, sure, but what about the poor innocents who until now remained blissfully unaware of the phenomenon?
You may have inadvertantly de-flowered any number of rickroll virgins. Ah well, come to think of it, they probably deserved it. Anyway, I’m sure your loyal readers are never gonna give you up, let you down, run around or desert you.
Or you can check out any of the madness happening on The StromHuelsman Podcast or The G Spod today.
RickRolling is so much less mentally scarring than showing people Goatse!
Shameless Plug: WP 2.5 Data Hijacking Alert (also a RickRoll)
Bob, I hadn’t seen the Muppet rickroll when I posted originally. As it happened, that was the sole rickroll that caught me today. And it was worth it. If anyone hasn’t seen it, you’re missing something special.
Norm: I’m so behind on SH podcasts and the G Spod it is not funny. I aim to catch up, or maybe I’ll just jump ahead. But thanks for linking up anyone who hasn’t had the chance to enjoy the magic yet. The smooth ass magic, I should say.
Steve: Yes, you are correct. No goatse here please. I liked your take on the rickroll — appropriately alarming and disarming. Well done, sir!
Cindy, I would jump right into these two episodes. There is a little bit of history in shows leading up but not enough that you will be left behind. Enjoy.
I am Dundeon! Keeping it a fool-free zone!