3 ways you can help change the world today

I’ve been working with some very smart women on a project, and I’d like to ask your help on it.

SheHeroes website

The Project: SheHeroes

SheHeroes will showcase heroic women’s achievements through first-person video interviews. We will provide this free, inspiring and educational programming through videos on the SheHeroes website (http://sheheroes.org) and on zero profit DVDs.

SheHeroes is the brainchild of my friend Sue Nagle, whom I met in grad school at MIT. Also involved are another grad school chum, Elizabeth Kao and her sister Penelope — they are handling development. Yet another grad school friend, Melanie Dever has been extremely helpful in focus group testing the pilot. And fellow MIT alumna Sophia Yen is a co-founder. I’m providing technical guidance.

Already we have the support of key organizations like the Girl Scouts of Colorado. We’ve lined up terrific SheHeroes to interview. And we have an ace advisory team.

Please visit the website for all the details: http://sheheroes.org

We’re really excited about our progress … But there is much, much more to be done.


METHOD 1 — TELL US WHAT YOU THINK: We need feedback. Does SheHeroes sound valuable? Are there ways we could improve upon it? Tell us what you think of the pilot, which you can see onĀ  the home page of the website. If you have a tween (child age 8 to 14), please ask them to watch and share feedback. http://sheheroes.org

METHOD 2 — WE NEED CONNECTIONS: Do you know a potential SheHero? (We’d be especially pleased to talk with Oprah….) Are you closely connected with an organization that might partner with us? Or a foundation or corporation that could support our cause?

METHOD 3 — IF YOU’D LIKE TO DONATE: We would be ever grateful. The website has info on donating. http://sheheroes.org

Our first $100k donors will be permanently recognized as the “founder’s circle” on the website. We have set a goal of raising $60k in 60 days, and reached $32k in the bank after our first 3 weeks. Donations are tax-deductible.

QUESTIONS, IDEAS, FEEDBACK: Please contact me or use the contact form or comments on the SheHeroes website.

Thank you!

PS: We’d love if you could share the SheHeroes story with others.

PPS: Even small donations help!

SheHeroes is a project of Kids Leadership Coalition, incorporated as a non-profit organization with a 501(c)3 filing in process.

3 replies on “3 ways you can help change the world today”

  1. Sounds like a great concept (and a great project for all of you). I’ll be sure to watch it with my very own tween 9-almost-10 year old Drama Girl!

  2. Great Cindy – thanks for getting out the word about a great project that will make futures brighter.

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