The view from the snowflake truck

View from the snowflake truck, originally uploaded by cynthiacloskey. This Sunday morning, at the alarmingly early hour of 6:30am, I and a group of other volunteers for Butler Downtown helped to set up the electric snowflake decorations on Main Street, Butler, PA. We volunteers unloaded the decorations from the special rigs they’re stored and transported …

Neighborhood Walk: Butler’s Institute Hill and Main Street

For background on the Neighborhood Walk, check out the Rust Belt Bloggers site. Find a list of others’ walks there too. I took a walk through my neighborhood today. I timed it to coincide with the Veteran’s Day parade on Main Street, but I ended up taking photos of buildings and bridges instead of the …


YaH44xvC-gI Butler has a terrific symphony (and I’m not saying that just because I built their website). Every performance I attend, I leave thoroughly pleased and impressed. One thing they do exceptionally well is identify terrific soloists to join them. Tonight, their guests were the Capitol Quartet, a group of saxophonists from Washington, D.C., who …

Lost and found in western Pennsylvania

  Main Street in downtown Butler, PA, originally uploaded by cynthiacloskey. This afternoon I was scheduled to meet up with friends at a coffee shop in the Shadyside neighborhood of Pittsburgh. I don’t go to Shadyside often, so I printed out some directions, hopped in the car, and headed south. About halfway there I realized …