For background on the Neighborhood Walk, check out the Rust Belt Bloggers site. Find a list of others’ walks there too.
I took a walk through my neighborhood today. I timed it to coincide with the Veteran’s Day parade on Main Street, but I ended up taking photos of buildings and bridges instead of the parade. Still, that’s cool.
Looking at others’ walk photos, I realize that I took few pretty pictures and more photos of things that interest me for personal reasons. Again, not a bad thing.
See my pictures and accompanying descriptions in my Neighborhood Walk 2008 photo set on Flickr.
For another perspective on Butler, check out my brother Anthony’s walk (especially because his pictures are much better than mine at showing how pretty Butler can be). Uncle Crappy also took a nice photo of my street.
Thanks to everyone who participated in the Neighborhood Walk, and to those who spread the word about it on blogs, Twitters, Facebook, and other sites. Thanks to everyone at the Rust Belt Bloggers and PodCamp Pittsburgh 3 who came up with the concept and fleshed it out.
Let’s do it again next year, shall we? Let’s make it even bigger. And in the meantime, let’s keep reaching out to each other to understand what makes our communities unique, and what they share, so we can continue to make them grand.
(Photo credit: Wonderful neighborhoods, originally uploaded by cynthiacloskey.)
I always considered the point of the Neighborhood Walk project to be highlighting the things that you, personally, find interesting about your area. If that’s the area’s beauty, or its quirky history, or the things that need to be improved, that’s your prerogative. But I really dig your photoset, and I also love the captions — it reads like a great inner monologue.
I love the Flickr set, especially the detail pix from Main Street. Kelly once got a couple of guys from Burt Hill and spent an afternoon walking on Main Street, looking up. They explained the significance of many of the old architectural features and she wrote one of her best stories ever from the experience.
And: How cool would it be to have a big, sweeping banked turn coming into town? Maybe we could convince someone to tinker with the Wayne Street viaduct plans…
Justin: If I gave you an in-person tour of Butler, I would say almost exactly the things I wrote in the photo caption. So it’s both an inner and outer monologue.
Uncle Crappy: I wonder if the Butler Eagle would consent to letting us post that article on the Butler Downtown website. And I could link all the buildings on a Google Map. It would be a very cool resource….