I’ll take “Quiz Show Phenoms” for $1000, Alex

Not being a dinner-hour TV viewer I’ve missed the controversy surrounding Ken Jennings, the current ‘Jeopardy’ champion, who is on a 26-show winning streak. Jennings, who in last night’s airing admitted that “being a nerd really pays off sometimes,” is the first contestant to go on a long winning streak since the show scrapped its …

Bite me

Over on McSweeney’s, a timely and Pittsburgh-originated open letter to an entity that is unlikely to respond: An Open Letter to the Radioactive Spider That Never Bit Me. Dear radioactive spider, I’m already twenty-seven years old, and I still don’t have the abilities of a spider. I know you’re out there, and, for whatever reason, …

Learn to handle chaw and spit through your teeth

Robert Coover, distinguished author and Brown University professor, is is interviewed in McSweeney’s Internet Tendency: [C]reative-writing workshops have absolutely nothing to do with our nation’s literature, though writers sometimes, more or less by chance, turn up in them, looking for an agent or romance or someone to start a new magazine with them. Creative-writing workshops …

Where are your papers?

I commented over at Sticky Notes about the controversy surrounding The Paris Review and its attitudes toward new and “emerging” writers, and Maud Newton’s interview with the magazine’s editor, Bridget Hughes. But I’m still ruffled enough about it to need to mention it again here. I’m interested in hearing viewpoints on this topic: drop me …

…and his heart was going like mad and yes I said yes I will Yes.

How to celebrate Bloomsday (June 16) in Pittsburgh: The James Joyce Society of Pittsburgh is presenting a reading (in three concurrent sessions) of Ulysses: Join us for a reading of James Joyce’s Ulysses the most famous novel of the 20th century, that made a Dublin day – June 16, 1904 – immortal…at FINNIGAN’S WAKE 20 …

McSweeney’s Twenty-Minute Stories Grand-Prize Winner

The winning story has been published online: “Untitled,” by David Kennerly. It is so short and tied together that it seems a shame to excerpt any of it, but I post the first sentence to help draw you in. He had always tried to be a gentleman, courteous, respectful in the most thorough way, and …