Did you think I’d be able to stick to my “I’ll add only 15 books to LibraryThing each day” promise? If you did, I hope you didn’t put money on it, because you’ll have to pay up.
I couldn’t sleep last night, so I added a few more books — about a hundred. I think I’m about a quarter of the way done, but I haven’t taken a hard look at the shelves in my office. Also, there are the cookbooks in the hall.
But at this point it’s amusing to look at the Author Cloud that’s forming:
I’m mildly concerned that J.K. Rowling is so prominent. Should I go buy a second copy of A Supposedly Fun Thing I’ll Never Do Again to even out the balance? At the least, I may pull Men and Cartoons out of my “ready to sell on Amazon” pile and put it back on the keeper shelf.