Month Impossible: Day Seven

Drawing of my cat Sammy
Originally uploaded by cynthiacloskey

If I had undertaken NaDruWriNi last weekend, I had a terrific topic planned: the question of pet blogging. I adore my two cats, and I find their daily activities charming and fascinating, but I’m not solipsistic enough to think anyone else gives a cat’s ass about them.

Still, in looking for subjects to sketch for DrawMo, I find myself coming back to them repeatedly. They’re hard to draw, for one thing, moving about as they do. They move about even more than usual if I stare, as I do when I’m trying to draw them.

But this evening Sammy consented to sit in one spot, and to turn to face me when I called her, so I was able to make this drawing. I feel I captured both her pretty eyes and her extreme displeasure.

Still trying to catch up after missing a few days’ drawings, I also made a sketch of the embroidered Steelers logo from the fleece I wore Monday night. I had fun trying to depict the logo colors in black and white.

I did no NaNoWriMo writing today, again. My brain is fried from last night’s near-all-nighter, and I’m having trouble stringing thoughts together. I will need to make massive progress this weekend.

Photo of my cat Samantha
Originally uploaded by cynthiacloskey

UPDATE: Here’s a photo that more accurately reflects Sammy’s sensibility. She is no more pleased to be photographed than she was to be drawn, though.








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