I bought a fur sink. And an electric dog-polisher, that was good.

I have just recently filled up my mini-iPod. I’m figuring out an elegant system — I am all about the elegant system — for swapping songs on and off. It’s frustrating to be out and about and suddenly have the urge to hear a certain song, or a certain version of a certain song, and …

Would make a memorable wedding gift

Appalling Flatware For Sale Will anyone purchase my recently acquired 75-piece gold-plated Versace flatware set? This flatware monstrosity once set someone back nearly ten grand. If you think that’s pretty amazing, you’re not the only one. Although I encourage you to purchase it at a high price, it does not mean I will respect you …

Perhaps it’s genetic

I may have discovered why my romantic life continues merely to limp along: I’m in the wrong country. Apparently I should move to England. “The standard way of meeting someone in England is you get drunk and meet them at a party and end up snogging them

When context clues aren’t enough

We haven’t yet seen one of these in person, but we’re eager to: the Franklin Pagemark Dictionary, an electronic dictionary that does double-duty as a book mark. From the product description: An essential reading companion, this Merriam Webster electronic PageMark dictionary is ultra thin and lightweight so you can use it as a bookmark. A …

Art you can drink

I thought this guy’s designs on lattes and cappucinos were pretty cool. Then I saw what this barista can do. (Thanks to The Morning News for the first link, and to Dave Barry’s blog for the second.)

Eight is my favorite number

Please go enjoy Crazy Arms That Long to Strangle by Rennie Sparks: The octopus may also wave its arms in rhythmic patterns that attract and immobilize fish. Fishermen off the coast of Washington report seeing hundreds of small fish frozen in the water as if hypnotized by a passing giant Pacific octopus. One fisherman said, …