Pittsburgh has a bustling literary scene. This is unexpected, I realize, but true. Even the Post-Gazette says so. I haven’t made it to any of the events Bob Hoover mentions in the article — been trying to get to the Slaughterhouse for Choice Cuts for some time but events have conspired against me. However, I’ve …
Tag Archives: Western Pennsylvania
Butler, Pennsylvania: Cultural mecca
A couple of weekend events for those in western PA: The Butler Little Theatre opens its production of Proof, the Tony and Pulitzer Prize winning drama, tomorrow (March 19). The show will run through next Saturday (March 27), except Monday. It stars my sister Katy Wayne in the role of Catherine; she previously portrayed her …
As part of the “Save the Strand” project — an effort to renovate the old Strand Theatre in Zelienpole, PA — there will be a band fest next Thursday, 3/25, at Sanctuary in the Strip. Details available here. I’m not familiar with these bands but it’s for a good cause. Rawk on!
Pittsburgh-area bloggers, unite!
The Post-Gazette has a nice feature today on blogging in Pittsburgh. They explain blogging pretty well. They also mention several interesting local sites, although they fail to provide links to any of them. Fortunately, the article mentions Tube City Online (UPDATE: OK, so TCO isn’t mentioned after all … I’m not sure how I found …
Love is like a rock
Esquire magazine will publish a list of “cities that rock,” and they’ve ranked Pittsburgh number 1. The Tribune Review talked with people in the local music scene. Naturally, everyone’s pleased and hoping that this will lure young people to the ‘burgh. And everyone’s also a little surprised — or more than a little. I’m curious …
Lush life
The Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board announced yesterday that sales of wine and spirits at state stores in 2003 increased 7.7 percent over 2002. The increase is assumed to be caused in large part by changes in how Pennsylvania sells alcohol to its residents: new Sunday hours in select stores, outlet stores nears state borders, trials …
Upcoming Event: Gist Street Reading Series, Feb 14
From the mailing list announcement from Sherrie Flick: “The February Gist Street is on SATURDAY, February 14th. That’s right–a Valentine’s Gist. Come with your honey, come stag–but please do come to hear Anthony McCann and Matt Rohrer read their poetry. “Both in from Brooklyn for the occasion, these guys have promised love poems and other …
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