I had scheduled a meeting with a client tonight. I’ve always been open to night meetings, especially since small business owners sometimes have day jobs or other commitments that make it hard to meet during work hours. As I was driving to the meeting, the client called to cancel — feeling sick, not able to …
Tag Archives: NaNoWriMo
Month Impossible: Day Nineteen, studying Spook and getting serious about the novel
Today I tried to sketch Spook, my other cat. Officially, Sammy is my cat, and Spook is Sammy’s cat. When I first got Sammy, she was cooped up all alone during the day — I worked in a real office then — and when I came home and tried to write or do anything she …
Month Impossible: Day Eighteen, Rain Dogs and Carmen
Carmen Originally uploaded by cynthiacloskey The song “Rain Dogs” by Tom Waits popped up on my iPod, and I thought I’d make a drawing of rain dogs. This would be my first DrawMo drawing from imagination, rather than from my surroundings. I envisioned the dogs as like the Hounds of Hell from a comic strip …
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Month Impossible: Day Seventeen, 2PointHome
If you’ve been following my Month of Challenges, you know that today I planned to finally catch up on NaNoWriMo. You also probably know me better than I do, and guessed that I would not succeed in this plan. I went to an event in McCandless today, a suburb north of Pittsburgh, to check out …
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Month Impossible: Day Sixteen
A few weeks ago, I traveled to Seattle for the annual LFM Alumni Conference. LFM stands for Leaders for Manufacturing, which is a program within the Sloan School of Management at MIT. I graduated in 1997. I attended a few of the conferences after graduation, and although I always had a wonderful experience — great …
Month Impossible: Day Thirteen
The John Cleese Plant Originally uploaded by cynthiacloskey A couple of years back — 2003? — I subscribed to John Cleese’s website. This meant I could watch subscriber-only content on the site, humorous videos and such, and participate in chats with Mr. Cleese. I found the site hard to navigate and the content sort of …
Month Impossible: Day Twelve
I like to joke that "work gets in the way of the rest of my life." Today I can joke that "the rest of my life gets in the way of the rest of my life." The second Monday of each month is Mixology Monday, an Internet meme (theme/concept) I’ve participated in for a few …
Month Impossible: Day Eleven
Boot Originally uploaded by cynthiacloskey I said yesterday that weekends are when I catch up. I’m reminded today, though, that Sundays in the fall are when I get very little done, due to football. I’m in two fantasy football leagues this year, and doing poorly in both. I’m floating around the .500 mark in each …
Month Impossible: Day Ten
The weekends are when I catch up. I meet up with friends I haven’t seen in weeks, I stop by my parents’ house to tell them what I’ve been up to and find out how they are, I sleep an extra few hours and fit in a nap to make up for the lack of …
Month Impossible: Day Nine
Junipero on the rocks Originally uploaded by cynthiacloskey Monday will be another Mixology Monday, with the theme “gin.” So probably I should have waited until then to try drawing a glass of gin on the rocks, but I had a taste for the stuff and a need to draw something tout suite. Besides, it turns …