Month Impossible: Day Seven

Samantha Originally uploaded by cynthiacloskey If I had undertaken NaDruWriNi last weekend, I had a terrific topic planned: the question of pet blogging. I adore my two cats, and I find their daily activities charming and fascinating, but I’m not solipsistic enough to think anyone else gives a cat’s ass about them. Still, in looking …

Month Impossible: Day Six

A strange kind of irony has taken hold of my life. I’ve been busy these past months, to the point that I thought my workload was as heavy as it could get. And then as soon as I started this blogging/drawing/writing every day thing, I’ve become truly, completely, insanely busy. I’m even questioning whether I …

Month Impossible: Day Five

I’m on my way to meet friends and then head to Heinz Field, for Monday Night Football with the Steelers hosting the Baltimore Ravens. It’s raining, it’s cold. It’s going to be fun. When I return: a sketch of the Steelers logo, a brief recap of the game (good or bad), and a short lament …

Month Impossible: Day Four

Tomato from my yard Originally uploaded by cynthiacloskey Two steps forward, one back. I created two drawings today while watching football, meaning that I caught up a little on DrawMo but am still one day behind. I also wrote a bit this evening. I would have been smart to not watch any football at all …

Month Impossible: Day Three

Third day of the incredible challenges, and progress is scant. I’ve posted each day of course, so that’s something. Just by telling you that I’m falling behind in other things, I can keep up with NaBloPoMo. Sweet! I wrote a bit for NaNoWriMo and am now up to 2070 words. I’d like to get to …

Month Impossible: Day One

Today we started NaNoWriMo and DrawMo. It’s also the start of National Blog Posting Month (NaBloPoMo, of course). I’ve wanted to blog more, as many a blogger does, and this seems the right occasion. Plus I plan to update you daily on my progress on the other challenges, so this is kind of a gimme. …

Mission impossible

Sammy is not still Originally uploaded by cynthiacloskey November begins Thursday, and thousands of people will begin intensive efforts to do incredible stuff in 30 days. Write 50,000 word novels, draw 30 drawings, write 30 blog posts…. It’s a striking expression of creativity and desire to explore what’s possible. Last year’s DrawMo was a success …

Drawing after midnight

Potato masher Originally uploaded by cynthiacloskey. Boy, it’s hard fitting everything into a day. Websites to design, computers to fix, emails to answer, bills to pay, cocktails to drink … it just keeps coming. And in the end, it’s you, Faithful Blog Reader, who gets the short straw. Did I tell you how November ended, …