Tonight is all we ever dreamed about / For once, let’s get it right
Tag Archives: Personal
Busting up a Starbucks
How did I survive before I found cappucinos and Wi-Fi?
Queen of the Geeks
Did you know I have “impeccable geek credentials”? It’s true.
Can’t Keep a Funky Rooster Down
I have overcome my fears and hung the concrete-and-stained-glass rooster on the kitchen wall. It looks fab: Click the picture for a bigger view. It’s not done though. I am not entirely crazy about how the gray concrete looks with the chartreuse color of the wall, plus the yellow table fails to coordinate with chartreuse …
In Which Problem-Solving and Experimentation Skills I Learned in College Come Into Dubious Use
So I have this big concrete rooster sitting on my kitchen floor. It has been there for nearly a year. It was made especially for me by James Simon, an amazing and creative local sculptor. It’s quite cool and big — three feet tall and two feet wide. Technically it is not all concrete — …
Garbage in, garbage out
My brother Anthony was helping me clean out my basement so we could move the Big Big Design office from the tiny extra room we had been crammed in to the relatively spacious finished basement. In my garage we amassed a huge pile of empty boxes, bags of styrofoam popcorn, shredded paper, non-functioning electronics, random …
Feline trouble
I try not to write much about my cats, because I fear seeming like the crazy cat lady. But I’m going to make an exception today to share with you the Crazy Cat Lady Action Figure. (Link via Screenhead.) What pleases me most about this figure is that she is clearly not at all like …
A harbinger of Spring
This evening I enacted a yearly ritual: the Impulse Purchasing of Seeds to Rot in My Garage. This year’s enactment was typical of the ritual. I was at the local K-Mart in pursuit of something entirely other than seeds — on this evening, contact lens solution, Q-Tips, and Scotch tape. On the way to the …
Everybody knows about those cheese balls
I’m going to be in a play, and you should come see it. The Butler Little Theatre’s next production is “The Book of Liz,” written by Amy Sedaris and David Sedaris. The story centers on Sister Elizabeth Donderstock, a member of a Squeamish community. She makes cheese balls (traditional and smoky) that sustain the existence …
Yes, I am still here. I apologize for the complete lack of content in days, and the lack of original thought in longer. I have been: 1. concluding my work as producer of a play, which may have cured me of any interest in producing any plays, anywhere, ever again 2. accepting an acting role …