David Caruso on CSI: Miami: king of the tacky one-liner. (Thanks to Defamer.)
Category Archives: General
Something To Be Desired
Some nice press in today’s Post-Gazette about Pittsburgh’s own web-based soap comedy, Something To Be Desired: "Something To Be Desired," or "STBD" for short, is a hybrid of sitcom and soap opera. Its characters live in Pittsburgh and mostly work at a fictional radio station –WANT-FM — which is going quickly down the tubes. Their …
A Picasso at the City Theatre
1. I have two Picassos. Of course they are reproductions, and small ones at that, little prints in beat-up frames. My grad school roommate Sharon gave them to me — she found them in an antique shop. They depict two harlequins, one on a horse and one with a black mask in hand. The one …
Saturday night in Boston, and I’m too tuckered to take advantage of it. Between late night discussions the last two nights and early morning start times each day (OK, 9am, but it felt early), I’m worn thin. So I’ve settled for a few moments in the hotel bar. I love hotel and airport bars, the …
Immersed in the environment
Continuing my Cambridge/Boston nostalgia trip: I ate lunch at Legal Seafoods. When I was an undergrad, my parents were apparently concerned that I would not eat properly. So my dad gave me a credit card, and instructed me to eat at Legal Seafoods once a month. He’d eaten there when bringing me up to school …
Futures of entertainment
Today and tomorrow I’m in Boston for the Futures of Entertainment conference at MIT. This conference is looking at "developments such as user-generated content, transmedia storytelling, the rise of mobile media and the emergence of social networking." (Find liveblogging by members of the Convergence Culture Consortium here.) This is conference month for me: Last weekend …
My loves collide
One of my favorite short story writers is Matthew Klamm. (See Sam the Cat and Other Stories.) The one vlog I watch every day is by one of my all-time favorite people on the web, Ze Frank. Sunday’s New York Times Magazine includes an article by Matthew Klamm that features Ze Frank, along with other …
City Theatre special event: “Stage Directions”
Unique discussion TONIGHT (Monday 11/13) at City Theatre: "Stage Directions," a discussion by the Artistic Director Tracy Brigden and Artistic Associate Kellee Van Aken. From the e-newsletter: [They] will lead a talk about casting and directing plays that have never been done before. Free and open to the public, the discussion takes place at City …
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BlogFest 8: The Ocho Wrapup
BlogFest 8 was a small and very fun gathering. We must remember to take pictures at these things — but even that wouldn’t quite capture the sense of the evening. More representative would be a short video of someone looking at their watch and saying, in some consternation, "It’s 9 o’clock already?" Lots of bloggers …
BlogFest 8 tonight!
Tonight tonight tonight! Will we see you there? Please say yes! Details here.