My post about the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra preview concert is online at the PSO blogs site. An aside: I wanted to use a photo of a Whitman’s Sampler as a visual, but then I found this photo of stunning handmade chocolates. Now all I can think of is the luscious and beautiful truffles I used …
Tag Archives: Pittsburgh
Music is the wine that fills the cup of silence
The Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra is about to begin its 2008-2009 season. I have the good fortune of blogging their concerts this season, over at the PSO Blogs. You can find my first post there today in fact: "Stop and listen." (The title of this post is a quote by Robert Fripp.)
Ready for some football
more animals Football season has begun, which means that fantasy football season has also begun. Again this year, I’m competing in the Pittsburgh bloggers fantasy league, now named the Yinz League. My team includes Ben Roethlisberger, Randy Moss, the New England Defense, and a pile of other guys. I have players in the running back …
Don’t forget: BlogFest 15 this Friday
Pittsburgh BlogFest 15 is marching up to us — or we’re marching up to it, depending on your views of the passage of time. You’ll join us this Friday (5:30pm at Finnegan’s Wake), won’t you? Details are here as well as here. Mysterious local poet Carlos the Mackerel sent me a new poem in honor …
On Pittsburgh: “We were expecting Detroit, and got Chicago. Which is a good thing.”
–Danger Mouse of Gnarles Barkley, as quoted on
Pittsburgh BlogFest 15
"15", originally uploaded by Lincolnian. Come one, come all! WHAT: Pittsburgh Blogfest 15 WHEN: Friday, August 22, 2008, 5:30 PM to 9:30 PM and beyond WHERE: Finnegan’s Wake (near PNC Park, 20 General Robinson St., North Shore, 412-325-2601), in the Pub Room WHO: All local bloggers, vloggers, podcasters (and their friends!) and Pittsburgh Bloggers COST: …
A pair of BlogFest sonnets
In my email today, I received the following verse: Cyn Closkey with your hair all rosey-red Please tell me of the next new blogfest’s date. The time as well must get inside my head For me to be there on time and not late. I’ll drink a beer or two before I leave And chomp …
“Dare I say, hip”
The New York Times spends 36 hours in Pittsburgh, and likes what it finds: …old stereotypes die hard, and Pittsburgh probably doesn’t make many people’s short list for a cosmopolitan getaway. Too bad, because this city of 89 distinct neighborhoods is a cool and — dare I say, hip—city. There are great restaurants, excellent shopping, …
“The Wonder Bread Years” at City Theatre, with special promo for bloggers
Remember when I explained how to see a play? If you haven’t already used those five easy steps to see Bust (and you still have another week or so, so get going on that), you might try them out on a new show opening next month at City Theatre: The Wonder Bread Years. City Theatre …
Continue reading ““The Wonder Bread Years” at City Theatre, with special promo for bloggers”
How to see a play
Production photo from Bust at City Theatre How to See a Play, in Five Easy Steps Step 1: Choose a play to see. Near you, wherever you are, some theater is putting on a play; probably several are. In Pittsburgh, we’re lucky to have a wide range of plays and musicals to choose from every …